Welcome to the True Image Family Portrait and Pet Portrait Studio!
All artwork is completely hand drawn or hand painted by me and you can choose between acrylic paintings or pencil drawings, in colour or monochrome. Portraits are created from your photographs and I can adjust the layout to suit your requirements. I can use one image or combine a number of photos to create a memorable portrait. Contact me to order or discuss a portrait from your photos.
I am also available for custom artwork, including landscape paintings, sporting portraits, house and building illustrations. Email me at info@trueimage.ie to discuss your requirements.
What My Clients Say about their Portraits
"This is absolutely incredible. Well done. I am thrilled with it. Can't wait to see it in person."
Stephen, the principal of St. Brigid's Boys' National School in Foxrock on seeing a pencil drawing of the school building, Dublin, January 2025
"Oh my God, Ivana, that is brilliant! Thank you so much. I just know Leigh is going to be absolutely over the moon with it. That is amazing!! Thank you so so much!!...again thank you so much, you are an amazing artist and I cannot wait to see Leigh's reaction to this portrait!"
Caoimhe on seeing a pencil drawing of her partner and his stafforshire terrier dog, Dublin, Ireland, December 2024

Pencil Pet Portraits Gallery
My pencil drawings gallery consists of previous commissions in graphite pencil on paper, including dog, cat, horse and pony portraits, even portraits of rabbits and birds. I work with artist quality graphite and coloured pencils to achieve the best possible result. I can combine a number of photographs to create a portrait of one or more pets. Pencil sketches come in a neutral coloured mount ready for your frame.

Acrylic Pet Portraits Gallery
View the acrylic paintings gallery of animal portraits painted with acrylics on fine stretched canvas, many in a beautiful landscape setting. It includes dog, cat, horse and other pets portraits created for clients worldwide. Capture the uniqueness of your pet in full colour! The paintings can be hung unframed as I work on stretched canvas 18 mm deep. You can email me your photos and I will prepare some portrait options for you.

People and Family Portraits Gallery
The people portraits gallery shows some examples of previously painted people and family portrait. I often work from multiple photographs to create a family portrait. The gallery includes wedding portraits, portraits of children, couples, group family portraits and portraits from vintage photographs. To date I have completed some portraits of well known personalities including Charlie Bird, Tom Parlon, Donal Og Cusack and Niall Moran.
"Ivana! What a talent you have, thank you very much , it looks brilliant, love it, no doubt Aine will love it too."
Declan on seeing the finished painting of his wife and two golden retriever dogs on Flaggy Shore, Ireland, November 2024
Art Prints of Mount Errigal Painting now Available!

What My Clients Say
See what my previous clients have to say about their completed portrait commissions. I have been commissioned by clients in Ireland and worldwide, including the U.S., the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan. You can see all the latest testimonials on my blog too.

Gift Vouchers
My Portrait Gift Vouchers make the perfect gift for any occasion, including Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries. You can order a voucher for a specific value or choose a specific size and medium.

Art Blog
I post updates of recently finished artwork on my blog. I take photographs of the drawings or paintings during the process and post these on the blog. Never miss a new post by signing up to receive updates directly to your inbox! You can also follow me on Instagram.
If you would like to commission your own family or pet portrait or you would like to discuss your photos for a bespoke portrait, please do not hesitate to contact me by filling out my contact form or simply emailing your photographs or ideas to info@trueimage.ie.
"Hello Ivana, Oh I love it. It's perfect. Thank you so much again for all your time and effort to capture this memory for me. Could not be happier...
I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful drawing and let you know my wife was ecstatic with it. I was so delighted by the reaction it got as she said "Omg, it's just perfect!" and shed tears of joy. It was more than I could have hoped for and is a credit to your talent. Thank you so much, Sean"
Sean on commissioning a family portrait drawing for his wife on their wedding anniversary, April 2024, Dublin, Ireland

Wedding Portraits
To date I have completed a large number of wedding portraits. Many of these have been commissioned as gifts for the couples in the portraits, others as gifts to their children after the parents have passed. What a great way to remember that special day for the family and the couples involved.
They also make for a wonderful bespoke and unique wedding present from friends or family.
You can view some of the portraits in my Wedding Portraits Gallery.

People with Pets
We just adore our pets and what better present for yourself or your friends and family than a unique portrait of them with their beloved companion. I can work from one or multiple photographs to create the most special keepsake for the pet owner. Commission your own gift or keepsake simply by contacting me with your photos and I will guide you through the entire portrait process. See some examples in my People and Pets Portraits Gallery here.

Landscapes, Buildings and Houses
House drawings, landscape paintings and building drawings can be a memorable way to mark a special time or occasion in your life. I often create drawings of buildings commisioned as retirement gifts from colleagues or family. A painting of a special place a person holds dear can create a unique gift for the person on the receiving end.
I have also created other unusual commissions, see them here.
Recent Testimonials
"Hi Ivana! Wow, that looks amazing!! I love the background and how well you have captured his facial expression, it’s so realistic!! Thank you so so much, I can’t wait to hang it in our new home.
I’m beyond grateful to you for it, I will highly recommend your work to my friends and family. Thank you again... I received my father’s portrait yesterday thank you. It’s absolutely beautiful. I’m so happy with it as is all my family."
Stacey about the commission of her Dad walking at a greyhound race, Freshford, county Kilkenny, Ireland, July 2024
If you would like to commission your own family or pet portrait or you would like to discuss your photos for a bespoke portrait, please do not hesitate to contact me by filling out my contact form or simply emailing your photographs or ideas to info@trueimage.ie.